My vision of our struggling education system

First of all, it is important to say that I am neither an educator, nor an extraordinary scholar, nor familiar with the intricacies of the educational system. Just someone who doesn’t criticize, but just tries to say how she sees things and hopefully puts five cents into it to make a positive difference. So I would like to share with you an independent opinion and I hope it will be considered just that – an opinion.

I’m sure the topic is broad and all-encompassing, but if we can focus on a strategy that could help improve the system, then please give it a try. You see, I wonder how wrong the approach to education today is? I feel like since 2019 and probably even before, the signs were making themselves known. We don’t know exactly how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting students’ academic learning, but we know enough to assess the likely consequences. I’m sure there have been out of the blue opinions and suggestions thrown up on the discussion table and for me the best and most realistic might be a suggestion to revisit the traditional standardized tests around which the program is built, to perhaps consider an alternative or abandon this. Does that mean lowering the bar? Far from there! I consider it an intelligent thought. Over the years we have seen the number of subjects for which students have to prepare grow, and although it is a
magnificent achievement, the mental load of students and teachers is overwhelming. With so much progress in the world, isn’t it fair to say that the content of the school curriculum doesn’t need to be more, but the way information is conveyed needs to be smarter?

Look, traditional standardized tests have limited value now and prove to be expensive at times
when ‘no money deh’ and can do more harm than good, more so for teachers, who need to rebuild, recuperate and catch up. Teaching psychology has always been an art, but now it’s more of a balancing act, with an elephant on the tightrope. This weighs heavily on teachers and on the entire teaching process. If it’s hard enough to think about how to get the teaching across, think about the mindset of the students and their level of ability to grasp and assimilate – how their ability to learn has been affected by being out of the classroom for so long. Also, has a survey been done to see how parents and children are actually handling the situation? How do we handle this now? It’s a tsunami that arrived without warning!

Reinventing a new societal and educational system is a daunting task, but the future of our
young people depend on what needs to be done. We live in a modern age of technology and globalization, and now COVID-19 is having a field day with us – destroying our hearts, minds and wills. The way to fight in difficult times is NOT TO DO MORE BUT TO THINK SMART WITH LESS! This may not be a good analogy to rely on, but it looks like that’s exactly what we did after Hurricane Hattie destroyed Belize. This does not mean that the bar for education has been lowered. But maybe we really should listen to the ideas that make us think, not the comments that make us feel good. It is an idea that we must listen to.

I think the ace in the hole to fill in the gaps has to be computer technology and the vast information that can be obtained. In my opinion many of us like me took the standardized tests when the maximum number of GCE pass was five to seven. Does that mean we are less scholarly compared to those who have 14 passes and higher degrees? The Argument
could be what one accomplishes. True, but how many are the numbers?

So, have you ever thought that education in our time should be about development?

The focus should be on the pros and cons and what could potentially apply in Belize.

Engage society in solving problems and pushing boundaries.

Act locally but think internationally. Basically, from what we’re going through, I’m saying target the needs of our young people and get our country back on solid ground, and the rest will follow.

Finally, now is the perfect time to enlist the support of our outstanding scholars
brainstorm for an end result that can work. What an incredible image and what a feeling of pride
it makes you go up!

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